“Egregii petitores non numquam requirunt exceptiones regulis." (Exceptional Talent Sometimes Calls For An Exception To The Rules.)
Search Assignment and Culture:
This is not accomplished in a 10, 15, or 20 minute conversation. It may take 2, 3, or more conversations with the various hiring Managers and Executives to understand their perspective, needs, objectives, and even idiosyncrasies; all lasting several hours or more. It may also require a personal visit and interviewing every member of a search committee. Briefly stated, “knowing your customer goes far beyond a job description and 15 minute conversation.”

If we contacted you initially, we have already conducted open source research, shopped your stores and e-commerce sites, and interviewed deeply former employees.

I am positive you have rarely experienced the depth of our inquiry into the position, objectives, leadership, and corporate culture and philosophy. A match of technical skills are relatively easy, it is capturing the distinctiveness of your organization’s personality in which the right candidate will thrive and excel. This is our strength.
No Job Boards and Social Sites:
Contact us once frustration has set in. Our philosophy and mission is to uncover those buried in excellence, not endlessly promoting themselves. Paragon candidates are selected based upon professional vetting by their peers, have clearly articulated career objectives, business philosophy, and a documented record of industry leading performance.

NB: When we present such a candidate, you will need to make room on your calendar.
No Pitching Jobs, No Baiting Candidates:
We will not expose you to surprise-filled candidates.

We have all been on the recruited end of 'the call.' A headhunter will pitch a job before they ever know you at all. It makes no sense whatsoever and is incongruent with attracting the best.

Before we ever speak of an opportunity or a client, we delve into the candidate’s objectives, criteria, and desires. This produces an un-influenced evaluation of the candidate’s motivations for movement without being 'baited.' We do not sell jobs, we are skillful matchmakers and that only comes from hearing the truth before anything else. Bored opportunists never make it past us. If we can't find a legitimate hurt behind the 'I'll listen,' they are not eligible as a candidate.
Client Prep:
It is necessary to prep for the candidates Paragon refers to you. They are the top performers in their functions and are as bright as you. They will be prepared and can read a 'seat of the pants interview' instantly and misjudge an entire management culture by it.

You will be surprised with our candidate assessment package. A complete dossier that dwarfs the emailed resume and selective reference checks you are accustomed to receiving and is the basis for your prep.
Debriefing-Honest, No Brinksmanship, No Games:
No games. No playing both sides against each other. The Paragon Group works for you, not the candidate. Whatever the candidate’s imperfection, you will know about them.
There is no negotiating. If all parties do their job correctly, if all sides have been pre-closed with hypothetical offers and hypothetical acceptances, Acceptance and transitions will be smooth and uneventful. If we believe an offer will not be accepted, it will not be extended.

It’s as simple as that.

To Be Effective, We Must Have Your Trust:

After one engagement, we will have earned it!